duminică, 21 august 2016

Doua Valuri

Un “buna” rostit sfios si o privire familiara. Era el, el cel vechi, el cel pierdut pe undeva prin tumultul vietii, uitat de mult de mine cea “nerecunoscatoare” (sunt sigura ca probabil asa m-a numit la un moment dat). Cel care acum ma gasise intamplator a zis el, dar parca prea era la intamplare.
M-am bucurat totusi. L-am luat in brate. M-a lovit parfumul lui si parca deodata mi-am adus aminte de trecut. Cand ma tinea in brate cu orele si veneam acasa imbibata in mirosul lui dulceag, dar grav in acelasi timp.  Mi-a zis ca ii pare bine sa ma vada si ca nu ma tine prea mult de vorba. A disparut, la fel de repede cum a venit. M-a pus pe ganduri. “Cum de uitasem total de el, de  noi?”. Si parca deodata m-a luat dorul.
E interesant sa ai doar 20 de ani. Asta e varsta la care intalnesti cei mai multi oameni. Fiecare om cunoscut reprezinta pentru mine o noua poveste in cartea aia mare si stufoasa pe care o s-o inchid la final de viata. Fiecare ma schimba, ma dezvolta, fiecare participa cumva, constient sau nu, la persoana mea din prezent. Si ei au, la randul lor  o poveste, pe care o impartasesc cu mine, cand parca reusesc sa trag putin cu ochiul in cartea lor aia mare si stufoasa pe care o vor inchide la sfarsit de viata. Poate chiar, cine stie, le devin si eu o parte din carte.  Unii oameni totusi, indiferent de numarul de ore petrecute impreuna, unii oameni ma marcheaza; imi pun un post-it roz fosforescent pe undeva printre capitole.
“De tinut minte” –scrie pe biletel.
“De scos la o cafea, candva, cand ai timp.”
“De sunat cand nu ai somn.”
“De discutat vise si idealuri.”
El era unul din post-ituri. O lista enorm de lunga de hobbyuri si skill-uri,  o lista si mai lunga de idei, de ce ar putea face, de ce ar putea schimba. Un om hotarat, un om cu vise mari. “Motivational, educational si pasional.” scria pe biletel.
Ma uit repede inapoi. Nu mai era.
Oare nu voia sa ma vada? Dar el e cel care venise. Oare trebuia sa il fi sunat? Dar nu avusesem timp. Oare am fost prea ignoranta, pana acum?
Daca i-as deschide oare cartea, ce as gasi scris pe post-itul de deasupra numelui meu? “Visatoare, mereu vesela, iubitoare”. –acel “iubitoare” taiat la cateva luni dupa si inlocuit cu “nerecunoscatoare”.
Mereu mi-a fost teama ca as putea face pe cineva sa ma creada “nerecunoscatoare”. Dar cum as putea sa te fac sa intelegi? Uite, iti zic acum.
 A fost un simplu val, m-a impins in directia opusa tie. Nu pentru ca eu l-am chemat, nu pentru ca nu te mai doream, ci doar pentru ca asa a fost curentul. Iar acum, in partea opusa a marii inca am biletelul roz-fosforescent, inca am cartea dupa mine, cu tot cu povestioara aia mica si draguta, a noastra. Inca mai stiu ce a fost, desi poate, tu crezi ca am uitat. Iti stiu toate calitatile si te respect la fel de tare, in continuare. Doar ca acum eu sunt pe un mal si tu esti pe altul. Poate, candva, vreodata intr-un final de iulie, ne va reuni curentul. 

Asta e unul din lucrurile frumoase la 20 de ani. Oriunde te-ai duce, pe oricine ai cunoaste si indiferent de cate ori ti s-a frant inima, mereu vine alt curent, si mai puternic, gata sa te ia pe sus. E varsta dramelor, e sezonul curentilor. Si am atatea locuri in care mai trebuie sa ajung, atatea povesti noi de auzit, atatea pagini de scris si de adaugat la carte, incat nu prea am timp sa stau pe acelasi mal. Nu e vremea, si nici sezonul. Nu-mi permite tineretea.
Cat despre tine, suflet frumos, mi-as dori sa putem lua cate o cafea, o data la doua sau trei sau patru luni. Fara reprosuri, fara obligatii si asteptari. Doar tu, tu cel neodihnit, tu cel smuls din tumultul vietii. Tu cel care ma va  umple cu povesti, la fel cum si eu iti voi povesti tie, de mine. Doua valuri puternice si la fel de inalte si un curent care, cine stie unde ne va trimite la urmatoarea briza.

Ar trebui sa fii mai mult decat un post-it, aruncat la nimereala “candva intr-o vara”. Ar trebui sa fii constant acolo, printre pagini, de cate ori ne-am intersectat si cafelele. Pentru ca o cafea cu tine e ca un val. Tanara si plina de emotii.

miercuri, 17 august 2016

Despre Untold, retrospectiv

Ma trezeste azi la ora 12 apelul bunicii mele, care ma chema pana la ea pentru ca “este un fost coleg de facultate al bunicului tau in vizita si vrea sa te cunoasca”.
Vai, sa te sune cineva in timp ce dormi e ingrozitor, dar sa te si puna sa te ridici din pat… Pe dinauntrul meu deja il uram pe respectivul domn.
Mai stau in pat 15-20 de minute, intr-un final ma scol, ma aranjez putin si plec.
Politeturi, imi pare bine sa va cunosc, si mie, cum e la facultate, bine multumesc, etc. urmand si inevitabila intrebare “Cum a fost la Cluj?” Bineinteles, domnul auzise ca nepoata  abia venise de la festivalul Untold si era si el curios cum au petrecut tinerii.
La cati oameni mi-au pus deja intrebarea asta si acum si anul trecut (mai ales rude si/sau batrani), avem deja un raspuns tip. “Minunat, atmosfera superba, o multime de oameni, toti la fel de veseli ca si mine, mancare deliciosa…”
“Nu nu, lasa asta… te intreb pe tine. Cum te-ai SIMTIT acolo? Ce sentimente ai trait?”
Ma uit la el putin surprinsa. Era prima persoana care chiar mi-a interupt acel automatism de raspuns, de fapt singurul care si-a dat seama de automatism si nu i-a convenit. Voia sa afle mai multe. Era clar, domnul ce depasise pragul de 85 voia doar sa afle din gura unui tanar cum ne simtim noi in anul 2016 la adunarile noastre “tineresti”. Oare chiar se distreaza? Oare chiar le place genul asta de petrecere? Oare chiar…sunt fericiti?

“M-am simtit fericita.” i-am raspuns, tare si raspicat. Nu pentru ca voiam sa ii dau peste nas, in niciun caz pentru ca aveam sa ii dovedesc ceva. Ci pur si simplu pentru ca m-a intrebat si i-am raspuns, sincera.
“Fericita? Dar cum? Ce anume te-a facut fericita?”
Am zambit in sinea mea, il intuisem bine.
“Totul, in special cand mergeam la festival in timpul zilei si vedeam pe lumina cat de frumos era. Cate lucruri poti face, de la a-ti lua o inghetata la a te da cu tiroliana, concursuri, jocuri stupide, dar amuzante, totul era amuzant, totul era minunat.  M-am simtit ca intr-un basm, 4 zile de-a randul. Iar faptul ca esti inconjurat de atatea mii de oameni, toti cu exact aceleasi trairi ca si tine, toti fericiti, toti prietenosi, asta e de-a dreptul superb.”
“Nu te supara, dar asta pare mai mult un sentiment de turma…”
Am ras. Nu era prima oara cand auzeam aceste cuvinte. Cum as fi putut eu oare sa ii explic ca nu e vorba de asa ceva? Probabil nu puteam, din moment ce rostise fraza aceea deja era un caz pierdut.
“Nu e vorba de turma, nu din asta consta fericirea. Am fost de atatea ori fericita singura. Dar aici e vorba de un alt tip de fericire, pe care nu ai cum sa il intelegi pana nu il traiesti. De unde cu o zi in urma ma aflam in Bucuresti, in orasul gri in care toate lumea e imbufnata si grabita, vanzatoarele de paine nu imi raspund nici la Buna ziua, nici la multumesc iar in trafic toti scot capul pe geam si injura…cu o zi mai tarziu am ajuns acolo, unde 300 000 de oameni aveau un zambet enorm pe buze, in orice moment al zilei, toti cantau, toti te salutau, barmanii dadeau noroc cu tine, pana si politistii erau simpatici. Parca ieseai din realitate si ajungeai pe cea mai vesela planeta din cosmos. Unde puteai sa faci ce vrei. Iar prietenii tai cei mai buni erau chiar langa tine.
Faptul ca noaptea dansam pe muzica celor mai cunoscuti DJ din lume era dragut, dar nu asta m-a facut cu adevarat fericita. Am mai fost la festivaluri, nu numai in Romania, m-am mai aflat in multimi de 300 000 de oameni. Si totusi, parca e ceva in legatura cu Untold….”
“Mda, nu stiu ce sa zic, in definitiv fiecare om priveste fericirea in felul lui.”
I-am dat dreptate. Chiar asa e. Mie doar imi pare bine ca sunt unul din oamenii care o intalneste mai des decat altii.
“Tu veneai atunci, pe vremuri, cand faceam revelioanele la ASE?” intreaba bunica-mea entuziasmata.
“Da, bineinteles!”
“Nu mai stii ce bine era atunci? Dansam tango si vals toata noaptea, eram asa fericiti!”
“Ei, nu chiar. Hai sa fim sinceri acum, nu eram cu adevarat fericiti.”
Deodata mi s-a strans inima. M-am uitat la bunica, ochii ei erau asa vioi, asa sticlosi, parca isi revazuse toata tineretea intr-o secunda. Dar el…el parea atat de trist.
Oare pe mine cand ma vor intreba nepotii de tineretea mea, sau mai specific, daca m-ar intreba prin absurd de festivalul acesta, cum voi reactiona? Voi fi bunicuta cu ochi sticlosi si un zambet larg pe buze, sau voi fi bunicuta cu “Sincera sa fiu, nu eram cu adevarat fericita…” ?
Am 20 de ani, nu sunt nici batrana nici inteleapta. Insa stiu suficiente despre lumea asta cat sa imi dau seama care sunt momentele ce trebuie pretuite cu adevarat. Niciodata nu am considerat petrecerile ca pe ceva ce mi-ar aduce fericirea. Uneori ma simt chiar mai bine cand ma plimb pe strada si afara miroase a tei. Vorba unei prietene, atunci chiar “imi vine sa merg in maini de fericire”.
Dar tocmai, faptul ca pot pronunta cuvantul “fericire” despre un festival, care pana la urma, tot o petrecere e, asta chiar e ceva ce merita tinut minte.
 Daca as pune laolalta toate noptile din timpul liceului petrecute in Centrul Vechi, ar insemna oare suma lor ceva pentru mine? M-ar atinge, macar putin? Mi-ar mai pasa daca am avut masa in Vintage?
Absolut deloc. Zero.
Ce mi-as aduce aminte, totusi? Poate examenul de admitere la facultate si cum am plans cu tata pe trotuar cand am aflat ca am intrat, si ca ma mut in Olanda. Poate cum stateam in piscina noaptea, in timp ce ploua, cu prietenele mele, dar ne simteam genial. Poate cum stateam de vorba pana la rasarit, pe malul marii, poate cum ne tineam in brate pe iarba, poate cum ne luam la intrecere de fiecare data cand trebuia sa ajungem la etajul 3, poate cum am petrecut 4 zile de poveste, vara de vara, la Cluj.
Daca m-ar intreba nepotii, peste 60 de ani?
As fi bunicuta cu ochi sticlosi si zambetul pe buze si as zice

“Da, am fost cu adevarat fericita.”

marți, 17 mai 2016

Outcomes of a break up

She said to me today that I’m a whole different me than I used to be, back then. I work more on my projects, I put more love into them, I am more confident, I feel more free, I am happier.
Even though it feels nice to hear her saying that and I guess it’s still surprising me, to hear that from HER, deep down I know it’s true without anybody else telling me.  I know I am happier, I can feel it. And I never ask myself why, because, well, I guess I’m trying to avoid this answer. Because deep down, I know, without anybody telling me, I know it’s because you left. And it’s so hard for me to actually admit that.

All those months without you, in a certain way, they made me a weaker person. Because of my constant wondering, my constant questions about you, how is your life, in what country are you now, did you meet a new girl, did you forget about me? All those months, they simply tortured me like hell because of my stupid concerns and my stupid thoughts and doubts, because of my stupid search of the old you, the old us, in every new thing that appeared in my way. Because I couldn’t date anybody new, since all of them were 10 times stupider than you or worse dressed than you or less funny than you...basically not you. Because I kept shutting myself off from everything that was not the same as it was back then and when I wasn’t shutting myself it was because I was opening myself again for the same wounds- going through old photos, videos, texts.
 Going through everything that belonged to my past me and I couldn’t dare to admit it: the past me was way too far away to catch.

Cause what I didn’t realize though, was that when I was looking back at that past me, past us, desperately trying to hold on to every detail , even though, as I said, it was soooo far away....what I didn’t realize was that because of that stupid past me, I kept my eyes shut the whole time I was becoming the new me. I just woke up a new me and I missed the whole process.

I guess while on one side I was still tagging myself as “brokenhearted and sad”, on the other side I was diving all of my  “new-me-in-progress”  into work, with all my heart (“or what was left of it”) because what else could I be doing? I was hating too much on every guy to put my focus into that so I guess this was the only way I could “get hooked” on something else. And results started showing up indeed.

I became- from the skipping class to be with you, skipping friends to be with your friends, skipping homework to watch American football with you which I didn’t even fucking like, or understand, and the fact that you kept screaming GO BEARS in my living room didn’t make me like it better  – I became from a “You’re never going to pass this year” to a “You’re nothing like you used to be. You changed 180 degrees. I am proud of you.”

I remembered a few days ago, when you posted that photo of you and your ex in Spain, I remembered you promised me in February that you are going to take ME to Spain. And I was really looking forward to that, given the fact that I may never see you again in my life, even though I kept hoping that I will. I just knew you were the one for me. The One.

And here we are, 4 months later, you with your ex in Spain and me crying again because of what an asshole you are, and I couldn’t help but wonder “if I was thinking since December, that you were The One for me,  that our roads are going to cross one day and we will meet again and everything will be wonderful, if I’m thinking that, what about the girl that was before me?? The one you left even more broken hearted than you left me? On a continent even further away than the one you left me on?
What about her? You can’t possibly tell me that she doesn’t think you are The One for her, you’ve even been together for a longer time than we did.”

So here we were, 4 months ago, me perfectly happy with you, and she, broken hearted somewhere in Asia, seeing photos with me on Instagram and crying because of what an asshole you are, but thinking that your roads will cross again, KNOWING that you are The One.
Fast forward 4 months? I guess we all know the story don’t we?

So then if we, two girls, living on two different continents, totally strangers to one another until you showed up and we developed this huge HATE for one another- if we both had the same fucking dream, the same prince charming, the same ONE, then which one is going to win? Who even makes the rules to this game? And what exactly is the prize, you???

So again, back to square 1, me as I am right now. Confident, content, full of passion, happy. Me better after you left. Me better than I’ve actually been my whole life. Me being who I always wanted to be.  And  I am still asking myself what is the prize??
The prize is not you, fucking asshole. It never was. The prize was just finding out who I am and who I want to be.

I don’t know about her prize. Maybe it is actually you. But wouldn’t that be a little sad?

vineri, 26 februarie 2016

What happens after hitting Delete

Today  I deleted by mistake all my text messages with you. I was shocked for a second, not knowing if I should feel something about that or not. Afterwards, I just became very sad. I realized that the last piece of you was finally gone. You have been gone for two months already. Your toothbrush and your towel also left immediately. Your Netflix account followed, the bottles of wine and the Nutella jar you bought, every trace of you, everything disappeared so fast it left me naked here in my own home, the home I used to no longer call home. All I was left with were the few photos we took and all the text messages. The “order pizza on your way”, the “I missed you today”, the “where should we go this weekend?”, the “I wish I was in bed with you” all those words that sound so empty but for me they used to be the world.
And today, that world, our world, vanished. Completely.
We don’t talk anymore. You don’t say you miss me anymore, I no longer say I miss you too. Even though I do, baby, so much. I used to find comfort in those stupid old messages, it was my way of going back, my way of bringing you back. I loved reliving everything even though it was such a bad idea and I knew that and I regretted it every single time. But God, it was my heroin.  It was you.
And today, you vanished. Completely.
I realized, though: maybe it wasn’t even them. The messages, or the wine bottles, or the toothbrush. Maybe it wasn’t the fact that you left traces, which I kept following like a lost puppy, hoping I’ll find you again. Maybe it was me, actually, I’m sure it was me. I was the one that overthought everything that happened. I was the one that re-read the “I missed you today” so many times it started to feel like you just wrote it. I was the one that lived our story twice, once when it happened, the second time after you left, I was the one that made me fall in love two times harder, I was the one that broke my heart in the end.  Because I didn’t know where to stop the script. Actually I did, but I couldn’t. You were my heroin.
And we all know what happens when overdosing.
I lost me.
Today, a part of me vanished. The last part with you in it.
And if that’s what it takes in order to bring me back, the old me, then I’m more than willing to let it go.

Today I deleted all my past with you. And it wasn’t by mistake. It was letting go.

vineri, 12 februarie 2016

When you never got to the "I love you" part

 I might have a lot of issues. It might be my fault. The fact that I never heard “I love you”. The fact that I never said “I love you” even though I did, or at least, I was pretty close. But there comes a time in every girls life when you just jam in your apartment on your favorite song with nothing but some panties on and it just hits you: “God, I’m awesome”.
And you realize that even in your worst moments, in your bad hair days,  in your bad decisions nights or in your hangover mornings, it’s still you. It will always be you and you wouldn’t change that for anybody. You never heard “I love you”, it’s true, but you also know the reasons why. Timing was always your enemy.
Besides that what else? You look at yourself at you start analyzing your habits, your attitude, your way of living.
Is it the fact that the volume to your music is always on maximum?
Or the fact that you cannot leave your house in the morning if you didn’t dance a little bit in front of the mirror?
It is the fact that sometimes you let dishes pile up in your sink and it doesn’t even bother you? Or that you forget watering your plants? Or buying bread? Or getting up early when you have to?
Is it the fact that you party too much and work too little? That instead of making sketches for your school projects, you paint your living-room wall? That instead of doing research you read books by your favorite author?
Is it the fact that you are so friendly with everyone that sometimes they tend to take that for granted? The fact that you cannot say “no”, the fact that you are always there for them? That you would leave everything you were doing at 4 am just to go and give them a hug when they call you feeling lonely?
Is it the fact that holding hands is more important for you than kissing? That looking into one’s eyes is what sets your heart on fire? That him kissing your forehead makes you act like a little girl? That you like to cuddle all night, that you love morning sex?
Is it the fact that you enjoy crying for no reason when nobody’s around? That you listen to sad songs, look outside the window and try making a music video in your head? That you read old text messages and watch old videos in order to bring that moment back and the way he made you feel?
Is it the fact that you like reading books about one’s feelings and not necessarily with a rich story line? The fact that you love romantic movies? Because a part of you still wants to believe in that running towards each other in slow motion kind of scenario? Is it the fact that you love receiving flowers and having a date on Valentine’s day? That you are so old fashioned when it comes to love? That you try acting like a diva but once they get to know you, you’re nothing but a child who wants to be held?
Is  the fact that you want to be loved why you are not loved?
And if so, what would you change about that, about yourself?
But then there’s that moment that comes into every girls life when they just realize “Wait a minute, I would actually not change a thing about me.”
If  I were a boy, I would be exactly the girl he would love to love.
So then you decide to not get upset about it. Not anymore. The fact that you didn’t hear “I love you” until now it’s not because of your ways of loving or actually, wanting to love, it’s just because the guy who would’ve said “I love you” still didn’t hear your “hello”.
So just go. Grab your jacket and your lipstick and go spreading hellos.

And stop thinking about him. About the guy who didn’t love you. It’s disrespectful towards the guy that will.

luni, 8 februarie 2016

Nopti uitabile

  Rosu inchis si mult fum. Sacadate scanteieri de alb. Cuvinte vagi deslusite printre vibratiile peretilor.
 "Mai ai bani? Il aduc imediat".
Dar parca au trecut cinci minute de cand a zis asta. De fapt, cat a trecut? Se simte ca o viata de om. Timpul trece atat de greu. Unde mi-e nenorocitul ala de shot? Verifici buzunarele. I-ai mai dat banii? Simti ceva metalic, nu stii daca sunt monezi sau cheile de la casa. Nici nu vrei sa te uiti, e bine cu ochii inchisi. Cand ii ai inchisi e rosu, altfel te doare, reflectorul e prea puternic. De fapt era, acum 5 minute. Sau acum o viata de om. Nici nu mai stii cum e de fapt. Deschizi ochii, e inca la coada. Un tip i-a acaparat atentia, tipic ei. Mie mi-e doar sa nu imi fure banii. Ea o sa fie ok, e fata mare, se descurca. Ii atinge mana, vad printre gene, oare ii zambeste si ea inapoi sau deja o enerveaza? M-as ridica sa o intreb, dar parca nici nu-mi simt picioarele. E asa bine cu ochii inchisi.
"E prietenul unui prieten, cica i se face reclama buna, am zis de ce nu. Vrei si tu?"
In dreapta mea, total strain, mana intinsa, ochii semi-deschisi.
O, doamne.
Ma ridic sa plec.
Acum le simt. Parca ele ma ridica pe mine, nu invers.
Cum de n-am observat ce buna e muzica?
Incep sa se miste mai repede, si mainile si soldurile, si coada, si ea.
"Poftim, noroc!"
Mi s-a intors muza, o pup pe frunte, te enerveaza tipul?
Nu inteleg ce raspunde, muzica e prea tare.
Dar nici nu mai intreb o data. Vreau doar sa dansez.
"Unde sunt ceilalti?"
A, restul! Nu stiu, hai sa vedem. O trag de mana, ea il trage pe el, inca avem paharele mici si goale, hai pana la bar sa le lasam. Nu tu din nou.
De unde te stiu?
Vibratiile sunt si mai puternice acum, sau o fi doar bataia inimii mele?
O aud ca tipa, ce a patit?? Ma sperii, ma intorc, e bine. Era doar melodia ei preferata. Uitasem ca e muzica misto.
"M-ai lasat balta mai devreme"

cine e acest om si ce vrea de la mine, "scapa-ma" ii spun. Ma ia de gat si ma saruta, baietii raman socati, ce, n-ati mai vazut doua fete pupandu-se?
"Mai ai bani?"
Cat timp o fi trecut?
"Stai. da-mi o lamaie."
Dar cand a mai rasarit si soarele?

miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2016

A letter to present me: the artist, the dreamer, the doubter

Sometimes I have to remind myself those things I keep forgetting. Because sometimes it gets so bad I have no idea what am I doing anymore. And I find myself giving up, taking shitty advises, losing my confidence. 
I have to remember though. I'm an artist. I'm still an artist and I will always be one. Working with 'love' is indeed what I love and if that's gonna take listening to some negative comments from time to time or some unslept nights or some fights with my dad, with my family, I'm willing to get over them and keep pursuing the good art that I know it's in me. 
I was a fool for letting them say I'm not an artist. I was a fool for listening to them, telling me to switch schools, switch careers, switch life. What is a life, to you? 
Is it about having a 9 to 5 job and a fat boring husband who has no idea what words like "beauty" or "art" or "soul" or "love" mean? He says he loves you though but how can you love someone if you don't fully understand the concept of loving and what it does to a person. If you cannot manage to understand how thankful you should be for having this feeling, for having this person, even for knowing this person. How can you truly love someone or something if you are not aware of the greatness that hides behind it? Of the beauty, of the art. How can you truly love if you don't appreciate art?
I don't wanna be an ignorant bitch with a heart of ice, no dreams, no hidden wishes, no nothing. Just the 9 to 5 and that fat boring husband. I don't wanna grow old thinking about how my life would have been if I would have grown up into an artist. 
Would it have been more fulfilling? More fascinating? Beautiful? Would I have been more...alive?
People say all artists have such bad luck when it comes to love. That they tend to exaggerate everything, put it in writing, make a painting out of it, write a song, they transform their loved ones into this no longer tangible person, their muse, source of inspiration, source of happiness and pain because oh, how they love the pain.
They say we get hurt so easily because  falling from the 9th floor is a lot worse than falling from the 1st one. We put ourselves and our muse on such a high pedestal that even the wind can blow us away. The higher the pedestal the easier to tear it down. 
I learned that by actually building things.
That's also what I do, or at least, what I have to do. Build things.
They say it's not for me, I'm not a builder, I'm a lady, I should be in an office with my nails painted red and of course I agreed because I like painting my nails red but then I also thought that this is how I learned about the pedestal thing. This is how I learned how easy it is to break a block of concrete even though it looks so strong, or how hard it is to connect two bars of metal that are both very thin... I think you learn a lot not only about cutting and welding but also about how life functions. 
I learned about electricity and lightning.
About concrete and cement.
About fabrics and sewing and printing and dying.
About carrying heavy stuff and working in teams.
About making a huge room full of trash, dirt and chaos look brand new again, about finding the elevator key and the storage key and the carrying trucks and the big garbage bins and the brooms and the vacuum cleaner and the works of art and the people around you. About making a brand new you.
About having a client, hear him out, make his wishes come true. 
About learning how to make his dream house also your dream house.
About having an open mind. About being able to learn.
About dealing with negative feedback even though it hurts so bad and sometimes it makes me cry. But I cry, and then I learn. That's just my process.
About talking about how you've grown in this half of year in front of everyone, about convincing you and them that you did grow, and how? 
About being able to evaluate yourself, criticise yourself but also admire yourself, because you are a fucking amazing artist, baby. 
No one, not even your dad is allowed to tell you otherwise.
It's been only 6 months since I moved here on my own, in this whole new country and whole new school, where I'm doing things I would have never thought I'd be doing and eating 4 sandwiches a day because I have no time to cook and smoke joints in my living room and falling in love and being kicked out of clubs and painting a naked lady on my wall because I just feel like it and staying until fucking 10 pm in school, working, and then until 4 am, working at home, and then crying cause I didn't finish and then feel like quiting and then starting all over again but oh, man, I learned so many things.
Coming here was the best decision I ever took. I feel like I finally found myself. Like finally everything seems right. Like everything I dreamed when I was a kid (remember those dreams?) is finally becoming reality. I'm finally living this dream and it's pretty amazing watching me grow into what I always wanted to be. 
Fuck you dad for making me doubt myself and my skills.
Fuck you grandma for telling me I should just come back and study some finance or something.
And you mom, where did you fucking go? Leaving me pursue your dream, our dream, without you by my side.
It sucks doing this alone and also fight against them, at only 19, but god, it feels so good when you finally get appreciated.
Thank you, KABK, dear home, dear family I never had, for showing me who I am.
Thank you, you, me, for figuring it out.
Thank you mom, for teaching me how to dream.
And thank you, Amsterdam for showing me what to dream again.

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2016

Cand te chinuie un simplu "Nu"

   A fost Amsterdamul si conexiunea aia instanta.
   Au fost coincidentele, mesajele de dupa, prima intalnire, un sarut in fata garii.
   Au fost asemanarile dintre familii, pana si faptul ca ne-am nascut in aceeasi zi .
   A fost contul tau de Netflix, muzica mea data la maxim, meciurile de fotbal, comenzile de pizza.
   Au fost sticlele de vin, saruturile de noapte buna, imbratisarile de dimineata.
   Zilele de sushi, noptile de alcool.
   Au fost prietenii tai, pop quiz nights, Pina Colada si Johnie Walker Black Label.
   Au fost ceaiuri magice si tripuri proaste, ai fost tu, eroul meu, dupa cea mai proasta noapte a mea, am fost eu, eroina ta, dupa cea mai proasta noapte a ta. Am fost unul pentru altul,in alegeri proaste, sau in rezultate si mai proaste.
   A fost momentul in care mi-ai zis ca pleci si cum totul s-a schimbat.
   Ai fost tu, 24/24, am fost noi, 7/7.
tumblr_o0zekzsV0g1tg1vxao1_r1_500.jpg (500×667)   A fost lantisorul in forma de inima si lacrimile, a fost taxiul care iti facea semn sa cobori si avionul care te-a dus la mii de kilometri distanta, au fost zilele de gol, proiectele nefacute, absentele, tacerea.
Eu, care ma simteam o straina in propria-mi casa. Ea, care era atat de goala. Europa, care brusc devenise atat de mica si Chicago, care-mi arata pentru prima oara cat e de departe, am fost eu, singura in orasul ce obisnuia sa fie al nostru, ai fost tu, care n-aveai sa te mai intorci.
Faptul ca nu ducea nicaieri.
Ca trebuia sa accept asta.
Ai fost tu, ai fost si ai disparut, am fost noi, cat de mult am putut, am fost eu, am fost si inca sunt, in locul asta bantuit de tine.
Intrebarea "o sa il mai vad oare vreodata?" si raspunsul care m-a chinuit atat timp. "Nu". E greu sa te faci ca nu-l auzi.

Au fost toate cele de mai sus si in sfarsit incep sa nu mai fie, una cate una. Sa le vad disparand, sa simt cum iti dau drumul. De la periuta ta de dinti la felul in care ma tineai de mana pe strada. Dispar una cate una si ma minunez cum inca nu au terminat de disparut, cum inca sunt trase ca dintr-un joben magic, fara sfarsit. Cum inca gasesc un pulover de al tau la mine in dulap sau o privire de a ta la geamul barului tau preferat. Cum inca astept, in tramvai, sa imi spui "am ajuns" si sa coboram impreuna, cum in timp ce ma uit la South Park imi vine sa te intreb razand "ai vazut??", cum atunci cand ascult melodia astept sa fredonezi refrenul impreuna cu mine, cum inca astept un mesaj de noapte buna.
Dar cum ziceam, toate dispar.
Una cate una.
Intrebarea daca o sa te mai vad vreodata, si ea dispare treptat, sansele sa te mai vad, poate dispar si ele. 
Oare o sa mai ramana totusi ceva, in eternitate? 
Sau imi va disparea si numele tau din memorie?
99% vor zice ca da.

Si totusi, parca era un raspuns, acela care mereu ma chinuia. E greu sa te faci ca nu-l auzi.